Advancement Awards Skip to main content

Advancement Awards

The following awards are given annually by the BYU Advancement Vice President and the BYU Alumni Association to recipients who have rendered outstanding service to the university, Church, community, nation, or profession:

maeser building surrounded by trees
Photo by BYU Photo

The President’s Medal
These awards are given to recipients who have rendered outstanding service to the development of the university. Recipients are nominated jointly by the advancement vice president and Alumni Association executive director and approved by the President’s Council. Several recipients receive the award each year at the annual President’s Banquet or privately if they are unable to attend the banquet.

Alumni Achievement Awards
During Homecoming, BYU celebrates distinguished alumni from each college for their remarkable achievements, dedicated service, and meaningful contributions to their professions, communities, and the university. These honorees embody the “Spirit of the Y,” inspiring the entire BYU community.

University Awards
Each year, BYU honors individuals whose exceptional service has made a lasting impact on their professions, communities, nations, or church. The Distinguished Alumni Award recognizes alumni who exemplify BYU's values and mission, while the Honorary Alumni Award celebrates an individual who, though not a graduate, has made significant contributions to the university. These honorees embody dedication, leadership, and service, inspiring and uplifting the entire BYU community.